Friterm Continues Upgrading The Quality…
Generally, steel collectors are preferred in hot water, cold water, steam coils, dry coolers…etc. applications due to their economical advantages. But if the application is done carelessly, it might lead to catastrophic failures.

Genellikle ekonomikliği nedeniyle Sıcak Sulu ,Soğuk sulu , buhar bataryaları ,kuru soğutucular vb. uygulamalarda Çelik kollektör tercih edilmektedir. Ancak dikkatli yapılmadığında bu uygulama önemli zaaflar oluşturmaktadır.

After the steel collector is mounted to the coil. coating process failures might occur in the parts that are hard to reach, especially in the collectors inner surfaces that are parallel to the coil.

In order to eliminate this failure, 3-4 years ago Friterm has started the wet-paint coating method which includes firstly a surface cleaning of the steel collectors and then coating twice with Epoxy-based paint before the mounting and lastly one more coating after brazing.